Non-violent activism is also sometimes called civil disobedience. It covers a vast array of methods to impede, evade and challenge an illegitimate government authority. The aim is to pressure it into concessions or to completely undermine its ability to govern, thus making way for an opposition party to take over.
Plan your escape routes ahead of marching. Avoid dead ends, traps, places where police snipers occupy elevated positions. Seek and share intelligence.
Uniformed Basiji's and police are often not heavily armed. Be more carefull around normal clothed militias, who are known to wield handguns, axes and knifes.
Dont wear t-shirts, try covering as much of your skin as you can, wear full clothes, it helps against tear gas and chemicals.
Make protection against Baton beatings, take a piece of wood/metal and bind it under your arm. Use it as a shield as you run.
Dont go alone out and protest. Go out in groups of at least 5, walk together, storm together, watch over each-other.
Organize yourself in groups. Assign tasks: let one of you carry a bag with water, medical equipment like band aid, another one a camera.
Be carefull when filming. Clean your phone for pictures/messages if police are around. Mark the date you filmed before youtube.
The regime is using cell phone jammers, so you will lose signal near protests.
Tear down street signs, as it will confuse imported riot police from other countries/cities.
Dip cloth in vinegar, bind it infront of your face and nose, it helps against tear gas. Lemons, onions, can also be used. Smear agaist the skin.
Simple full clothing covering like latex and plastic
based clothing is effective against helicopter
dropped chemicals. Umbrellas.