Basic collective self-defense
Opinions are divided, and the movement called Sea of Green (pro-Mousavi) is non-violence only. However, the peaceful protesters are being beaten, butchered, arrested and tortured, even if they do not lift a hand to defend themselves.
Self-defense is not equal to terrorism, but a last resort and justifiable when lives as well as the future of a democraci movement is at stake. It is a form of physical resistance targeting only aggressors for the purpose of escape, protection of self or of other vulnerable to assault and battery.
Forget about karate and kung fu, even if you have martial arts
training. If you have military training, share it with others for their
protection and effectiveness. Self defense techniques are universally applicable, also against armed opponents. Avoid using them when outnumbered or against opponents with guns. Never succumb to bestial violence, unnecessary cruelty or vengeance.
The most important rule in unarmed self defense:
There is always a part of your body stronger than the weakest spot on your opponent.
An important rule in unarmed combat is 4-2-1:
Four people can take down an armed individual, if they act together, and the weapon is not a gun. Every attacker must target each an arm or leg. The aim is to throw the opponent off balance and bring him to the ground as soon as possible. Use momentum and gravity to your advantage.
Dashing towards your opponent transforms your body into a projectile. Your bodyweight is multiplied, when you accelerate. Protect your head by holding up your arms in front of you. Use armour on your wrists or lower arms if possible. Overthrow the opponent by tackling him with your shoulder. Hit low, below the balance point.
A body usually takes more damage from hitting the ground than from sustaining a straight blow. Use gravity to your advantage, to overthrow an opponent and to control him when on the ground. To overthrow an opponent block his legs and hit or shove him right below the centre of gravity.
Armour: Motorcycle or bicycle helmet, wrist band, knee pads, elbow pads, braces with padding on shin bone or lower arm. Brass knuckles can be made out of a fork - bend it into shape between a door and a doorframe. Can also make a nasty, lethal weapon, but this is not advisable.
When standing up, bow slightly to make yourself a small target. Forget martial arts, if you have such training. Remember: Your forehead, right where it meets the natural hairline, is very hard. Bend slightly in your knees to stay flexible. Keep your hands in front of you, elbows protecting your torso and your hands protecting your face.
When on the ground roll over on your belly and take the shape of a turtle. Bend your legs to protect your genitals and use your hands to protect your neck and the soft spot in the back of your head. Protect kidneys and other vital organs with your arms and elbows. This will offer maximum protection against kicks and batons.
Prepare escape routes in advance. Use maps, local knowledge of minor barriers that will slow down persecutors, small alleys, safehouses and so forth. Always look for a way to escape and take it, if possible. However, do not leave others to their fate. Inform all of escape routes. Protect each other.
The brutal will prey on the majority, as long as the majority have not
learned to act as a group. It is important to learn to form a phalanx against violent oppressors. Stand close together, one next to another, everyone holding their fellow man. Act in unison, move in unison.
Intimidation is an important part of combat. Widen your eyes, open your mouth wide, shout from the belly. Make up rallying cries in advance and practice shouting them together for greater effect. Use drums or other objects to create noise, confound the enemy and reduce their resolve. Make yourself appear larger at a distance, fold yourself together up close.